In the first half of 2024, Vienna Airport once again proved to be a central hub in the fight against smuggling and the illegal import of goods. Customs at Vienna Airport recorded an impressive 2,500 arrests in a total of 20,972 checks. This report, which was published on Tuesday, clearly shows the effectiveness and necessity of customs controls.
Particularly noteworthy are the quantities of illegal substances and unpaid cash seized. Over 120 kilograms of narcotics were taken out of circulation, a clear sign of the tireless efforts of the customs authorities in the fight against drug trafficking. The drugs seized include a wide range of substances, including cocaine, heroin and methamphetamines, which were often found in creative hiding places.
The amount of undeclared cash that was seized is equally impressive: a total of 1.2 million euros. This money often comes from illegal transactions and is intended to be smuggled out of Austria through the airport. The high amounts make it clear that Vienna Airport is a popular hub for money laundering activities.
In addition to drugs and cash, customs officers also made numerous discoveries of counterfeit or illegally imported medicines. Around 15,000 such preparations were discovered. These medicines, which often have not undergone adequate quality control, pose a significant health risk to consumers. The seizure of these medicines is therefore not only a success against illegal trade, but also a contribution to protecting public health.
Another significant part of the seizures concerned animal products. Several kilograms of these products, including meat, dairy products and other animal products, were seized. Many of these products come from countries with strict Austrian import restrictions due to epidemic risks. Importing such goods without appropriate controls can lead to the introduction of dangerous diseases that can pose a threat to both animals and humans. 14 animals were smuggled alive, including 6 kittens that were smuggled in from Istanbul.
Customs plans to further intensify controls in the coming months in order to combat smuggling and illegal imports even more effectively. The focus is not only on detection and seizure, but also on deterring potential smugglers. This half-yearly report underlines the important role of customs at Vienna Airport and the need for continuous and intensive control measures to effectively combat illegal trade and smuggling.