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Stefan Loose Travel Guide Vietnam

Stefan Loose Travel Guide Vietnam


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The Loose has been the number one travel guide for Vietnam for years. As always, the latest edition of the orange travel guide contains up-to-date and well-researched travel information and well-founded tips. This book shows the way in touristic developed as well as in and remote regions that even experienced Vietnam travelers often do not know - the perfect book for beginners and advanced! 
For the current edition, Andrea and Mark Markand traveled through the country for months, back and forth, alone and together, with and without children. They explored cities and beaches as well as the country's national parks. The book offers countless valuable tips that you need to successfully travel through the country on your own: accommodation and restaurants - from cheap to dignified -, detailed traffic information for planning the trip, extensive background information about the country and its people and much more.  ;
And this loose is networked: with QR codes it is very easy to access the online updates, with the latest information, lots of photos and tips from readers.

  • cover
  • Paperback
  • Release date: 09/15/2023
  • Publisher: DuMont Reiseverlag
  • Number of pages: 728
  • Dimensions (L/W/H): 18.5/12.7/2.7 cm
  • Weight: 615g
  • Edition.: 7th edition
  • Language: German
  • ISBN: 978-3-7701-7580-2
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